As we have seen at my older posts:
1. Sheet Metal Bender Brake The Make (DIY) & First Use Stainless Steel BBQ (simple version)
Sheet Metal Bender Brake The Make (DIY) & First Use Stainless Steel BBQ
2. Sheet Metal Bender Brake Part3 (DIY) Fully Modified
Sheet Metal Bender Brake Part3 (DIY) Fully Modified
3. Sheetmetal Brake full set plans & materias
Sheetmetal Brake full set plans & materias
I had built my brake onto a hydraulic portable table.
But my home shop it was too small and it was impossible to use it inside and need to working at the yard.
So I decided to disassembly and convert it so as to be able to mount at my bench top vice.
For bed I decided to use a piece of tube 80x40x3mm (813mm) and weld on it the two bushing/adjuster sets.
Before proceed to welding I made an oiling hole 3.5mm at each bushing.
Secure at the vise a piece about 300mm from the same tube 80x40x3mm and temporarily I tack weld the bed over it.
Place / adjust / secure all pieces using clamps, vice grips, and welding magnets.
Tack weld all the pieces,
remove magnets, clamps and vise grips,
and proceed to welding.
After welds are completed
Grind the welds at the bed so as to been flat and at the same level with the tube’s surface.
After that I remove the piece of 300mm tube by cutting the two tacks.
Change its orientation, and weld it at the middle of the bed down side.
This piece is for mounting the brake at the vise.
After the conversion photos at YouTube vid
there are some vids with simple bends as well as and a box bend.