After moving our most-thanked posts to our Best Homemade Tools subforum, which contains our best homemade tool builds, we have a new award winner.

Congratulations to Occasional machinist, our new winner of the 10-Time Best Discussion award:

Here are the current counts of usernames and total number of threads in the Best Homemade Tools subforum, for everyone who has 10 or more threads in the Best Homemade Tools subforum.

| postusername         | count |
| mklotz               |   141 |
| rgsparber            |   117 |
| Frank S              |   112 |
| jjr2001              |    83 |
| thehomeengineer      |    72 |
| rossbotics           |    69 |
| tonyfoale            |    69 |
| Tuomas               |    68 |
| Christophe Mineau    |    63 |
| olderdan             |    51 |
| Paul Jones           |    42 |
| Captainleeward       |    36 |
| Philip Davies        |    29 |
| Stevohdee            |    28 |
| orioncons36          |    25 |
| bobs409              |    25 |
| Vyacheslav.Nevolya   |    24 |
| celsoari             |    23 |
| LMMasterMariner      |    23 |
| Kovanca Polock       |    22 |
| Kwandotechnic        |    21 |
| machining 4 all      |    19 |
| warsztatOdZera       |    18 |
| astroracer           |    18 |
| winkys workshop      |    17 |
| diyfixman            |    17 |
| garage nut           |    16 |
| liberal              |    16 |
| Jon                  |    16 |
| Canobi               |    15 |
| Cascao               |    15 |
| Dimitris Polychronis |    15 |
| Mr.DK DIY            |    15 |
| Toolmaker51          |    14 |
| kess                 |    14 |
| threesixesinarow     |    14 |
| xynudu               |    13 |
| MetalDesigner        |    13 |
| Crusty               |    13 |
| bouboulas            |    12 |
|   |    12 |
| old_toolmaker        |    12 |
| Brendon              |    12 |
| DIYSwede             |    11 |
| mr95gst              |    11 |
| JKeetonKnives        |    11 |
| th62                 |    11 |
| Occasional machinist |    10 |
| brianhw              |    10 |
If you want to nominate a thread to be moved into the Best Homemade Tools subforum, simply click the "Thanks" icon in the lower left-hand corner of a post, and the most-thanked posts will be easy for us to review.

All award winners are listed here: Homemade Tools Forum - Awards