THANK YOU!!!! we all get different ideads from others ideas and thats what evolution is all about. and it keep us trying to make a better mouse trap. I remember one shop I ran&programed cnc mills and much more we had as old band saw, a big one I think it was a meat saw at one time.but it had a 4 speed volvo trans mission running it.oh so eazy to change speeds when you needed too with no fuss at all. I presume it only had 1 speed as a meat saw. I remember long ago in okanawa japan growing up with motorcycles and gocarts, when we needed something different to finish a build we just fired upo the big hibachi groll ( basicly the big green egg but 35 years before the big green egg) and we would make what we needed with whatever we had...Ive addvanced a bit since then but still love making things .and seeing other peoples stuff just adds to the brain power for all of us. remember there is always a better way.