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Thread: Cold smoked meat

  1. #11
    Supporting Member darkoford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KJ1I View Post
    Are you willing to share the recipe for the salami in the bottom photo?
    I'm not sure how good a Google Translator is.

    I mostly use blades for pigs because they are for me for another purpose. Naturally, the rest of the meat, or all the pieces that were excessive from the other, were used. Most importantly, these bits are not bloody meat. Later in the section of dry sausages can be noticed because they are bright red. The oldest red meat is ham and a little lighter than the blade.

    Every piece of meat must be cleaned of those tendons, opaque, veins and special care must be taken to remove all the fat because these fatty parts are grunty and never harden in the sausage.

    Small pieces remain as big as they are, and they are cut into strips to make it easier to mesh, especially if it is milled manually. I use a hammock with a diameter of 18mm and this proved to be the best combination. Of course it is important that the machine is well groomed, that it is properly assembled and that the knife and the shadow are well-knit.

    Now we're at the bunk. The best bun is from the door and then from the back of the pig. From this part even the soft part (skin and skin) is removed. I twist it into cubes of 15 x 15 x 15 mm (odontatively). It did not turn out to be good grinding because they got softer cobs. When the bouillon mixes with the meat, it is a golden tip to brush a little with lukewarm water to separate the cubes. Until I learned about it for hours I manually cut off the dice per dice. : Shame: You can bribe to put me up to 20% maximum, some put 30% but that's too much for me. This year I used only the neck bush and up to 10% on the total quantity. If they are unlucky there is a bait to lubricate. : Laughh:

    The taste remains. 2.5% salt, pepper, hot pepper, chilli, garlic juice, some sugar and sugar. How to know a good quantity? Simply make a small sandwich that you throw on the pan and after the baking you try. When the roast appetizer is a little bit slower and a little hammer is best for you to lose it all after drying. If you want stronger even though, you need to stop them.

    I leave the mixture for several days with at least one mix daily. Mesari claim it is unnecessary because it is meat in the intestines. As I said, it consists mainly of muscle, and after grinding you get a new pile of spoon that needs to be thrown because nobody is able to eat sausages and pull dry *****-squeezed teeth between teeth. And as I mix, I pull out those tiny nails. After each mixing, the mixture should be well pressed and smooth as if it was concrete, no holes should remain, and after mixing the smoothed mixture, it should be covered with white soy sauce and cotton cloth.

    Caliber is again a matter of taste and speed of drying. I always do a few pair of probes in the pharynx fi32mm. They are fast dry and for a third they jump, so they are really overweight and impractical to use. You cut a lot and you do not order. : Laughh:
    Serious calibrators start at 45mm which fit 700g of meat, 50mm goes 900g and 55mm 1100g. Of course weight depends on the meat and the way of filling. This 55mm if the meat of the work is 1500g.

    I have thrown all the cannons and similar inventions out and I use a grinding machine like a knife and a funnel hopper. The reason is the only way to get an airplane stuffed with no air.
    Charging to go fast and easy should be done by three people. One full meat in the machine, the other with one hand rotates the handle and holds the cobas to control the filling and the third binds and agrees to the finished sausage.

    The binding bush has to buy a big choice and all are good but it's better to use a little thicker to not cut the hose. Before filling, it is necessary to cut a larger number of hoses per couple of pieces. Do not skimp on the length and run at 40cm because you can tie a lot easier, count the weight fat and that it was quite clumsy. The best constrictor knot: laughh: but you wrap twice, tighten tighter and the most common double node is quite enough. When everything is over, if you are bothered by a slight excess, cut off with scissors. I do not regret it because I need to declare the product. : Laughh:
    Hoses should be placed in warm water just before filling but only a few pieces. I put 5 pieces when these 5 fills up, reading the book and dreaming about the product. : Laughh: If you put more hoses it will be too long in the water, so there may be cracking. When one is filled, it is best to hang it to hang to make the mixture more smooth and so leave one day to eject before smoking.

    Cold smoked meat-screen-shot-08-15-17-01.09-am.png

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  3. #12
    matermark's Avatar
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    We will have to break down some words that didn't translate properly.

    I am pretty sure "hose" = casings. "laughh" = LOL

    "dry *****-squeezed teeth" I think I've been there, done that, but don't know how google translated it to here!

    "blade" may or may not be correct translation, I am pretty sure it's a beef cut but it may apply to pork too... maybe pork shoulder?

    "grunty" I'm not sure... "hammock with a diameter of 18mm" may be the grinder plate that the meat goes through? Or is it the final tube the casing goes onto?

    The paragraph that starts with, "Now we're at the bunk...", much I didn't understand, like "bunk/bun", "odontatively", "bouillon" (I know what it is but think it translated wrong), "neck bush." I think this paragraph was how much fat to use and from where?

    I'll stop there for now. Maybe you can paste the original in Croatian or Russian (or PM it to me) and I could try a different translator or my friend in Durmanec?

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    Last edited by matermark; Aug 14, 2017 at 07:27 PM.

  4. #13

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    First, Darkoford, thank you for posting the recipe and method. Google did an interesting job of translating. As an experienced sausage maker, I can figure out most of it.

    Matermark - blade is pork shoulder, also called Boston butt, you called that one and the "hose" right. The "best bun" is referring to fat back, "odontatively" is "bite size pieces". With another hour, I could probably get the rest, but the important part is the spice blend and his curing method. I all but fell on the floor when I got to the removing the gristle and tendons from the grind (dry *****-squeezed teeth). Isn't language wonderful!

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to KJ1I For This Useful Post:

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  6. #14
    Supporting Member darkoford's Avatar
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    Ja od svinje većinom koristim lopatice jer su mi šunke za drugu namjenu. Naravno koristi se i ostalo meso, odnosno svi komadići koji su višak sa nekog drugog dijala. Uglavnom bitno je da ti komadići ne budu krvavo meso. Kasnije se u presjeku suhe kobasice mogu uočiti jer su svijetlo crvene boje. Najtamnija crvena je meso od šunke a malo svijetlije je od lopatice.

    Svaki komadić mesa mora se očistiti od onih tetiva, opne, žila a posebno treba paziti da se odstrani sva masnoća jer ti masni dijelovi su mljeckavi i nikad se ne stvrdnu u kobasici.

    Mali komadi ostaju takvi kakvi jesu a veliki se režu na trake da se lakše samelju, posebno bitno ako se ručno melje. Koristim šajbu sa rupama promjera 18mm i to mi se pokazala najbolja kombinacija. Naravno bitno je i da mašina dobro melje, da je pravilno složena i da je nož i šajba dobro nabrušena.

    E sad smo kod špeka. Najbolji je špek sa vrata a zatim sa leđa svinje. Sa tog dijela čak se skida mekani dio (kontra od kože) i koža. Ja ga režem na kockice veličine 15 x 15 x 15 mm (odokativno). Nije mi se pokazalo dobro mljevenje jer se dobivaju mekše kobase. Kad se špek miješa sa mesom, zlatni savjet je da ga malo polijete sa mlakom vodom da se kockice međusobno razdvoje. Dok to nisam saznao satima sam ručno odvajao kockicu po kockicu. :sram: Možete špeka staviti po meni maximalno 20%, neki stavljaju i 30% ali to je previše po meni. Ove godine koristio sam samo vratni špek i ododkativno oko 10% na ukupnu količinu. Ako budu nemasne ima se i špeka za podmazati. :laughh:

    Na dalje ostaje stvar ukusa. Sol 2.8%, papar, ljuta paprika, čili, sok od češnjaka, netko stavlja i šećer. Kako znati dobru količinu? Jednostavno, napravite malu pjeskavicu koju bacite na tavu i poslije pečenja probate. Kad je pečena pljeskavica malo preslana i malo preljuta kobase vam budu najbolje jer se sve to nekako izgubi poslije sušenja. Ako želite još jače naravno, treba ih zaljutiti.

    Smjesu ostavim nekoliko dana uz bar jedno mješanje dnevno. Mesari tvrde da je to bespotrebno jer je meso u crijevima. Kako sam rekao sastoje se uglavnom od mišića a poslije mljevenja dobivate novu hrpu žilica koje treba izbaciti jer nikome nije gušt jesti kobasice i izvlačiti suhe špagice koje se zapetljaju između zuba. I tako dok miješam izbacujem te sitne žilice. Poslije svakog miješanja smjesu treba dobro pritisnuti i zagladiti kao da nekaj betonirate, ne smiju ostati rupe a poslije miješanja zaglađenu smjesu pokrijem sokom bijelog luka i pamučnom krpom.

    Kalibar je opet stvar ukusa i brzine sušenja. Uvijek radim nekoliko pari za probu u svinjskim crijevima fi32mm. Te su brzo suhe i za trećinu se skoče pa su u biti pretanke i nepraktične za korištenje. Puno režeš a nikaj ne narežeš.
    Ozbiljni kalibri počinju od 45mm u koje stane 700g mesa, 50mm ide 900g a 55mm 1100g. Naravno težina ovisi o mesu i načinu punjenja. Ove 55mm ako je meso od vepra stane 1500g.

    Sve topove i slične izume sam izbacio i koristim mašinu za mljevenje kao punilicu bez noža i šajbe sa lijevkom. Razlog je jedini način da dobijem tvfrdo punjene kobase bez zraka.
    Punjenje da ide brzo i jednostavno trebaju obaviti tri osobe. Jedan puni meso u mašinu, drugi jednom rukom vrti ručku i pridržava kobasu da može kontrolirati punjenje a treći veže i slaže gotove kobase.

    Špage za vezanje ima za kupiti veliki izbor i sve su dobre ali bolje je koristiti malo deblju da ne bi rezale crijeva. Prije punjenja potrebno je narezati za par komada veću količinu od broja crijeva. Ne škrtarite na dužini i režite na 40cm jer puno budete lakše vezali, računajte da su ruhe masne i da je tad dosta nespretno vezanje. Ponajbolji je constriktor čvor :laughh: ali dva puta zamotate, jače zategnete i najobičniji dupli čvor je sasvim dovoljan. Kad se sve završi ako vas smeta lako višak odrežete sa škarama. Ja to ne režem jer mi treba za dekleraciju o proizvodu.

    Crijeva treba staviti u toplu vodu neposredno prije punjenja ali samo par komada. Ja stavim 5 komada, kad se tih 5 napuni, pročita se knjiga i divi se nastalom proizvodu. :laughh: Ako stavite više crijeva predugo će biti u vodi pa bi moglo doći do pucanja crijeva. Kad se jedna napuni najbolje je istu objesiti da visi kako bi se smjesa dodatno slegnula i tako jedan dan ostaviti da se ocijede prije dimljenja.

  7. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to darkoford For This Useful Post:

    Frank S (Aug 14, 2017), KJ1I (Aug 15, 2017), matermark (Aug 15, 2017), volodar (May 14, 2020)

  8. #15
    Supporting Member Frank S's Avatar
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    A lot of times when I need to translate something instead of going directly to English I will go to either German or French mostly because I spent several years in Germany and can read the language fairly well and French because I am old enough that French was a language taught in high school not that I could ever speak it though
    then I translate to English
    here is the French to English version, if you read very carefully you will be able to note how some of the terms are better explained while others are not however enough is done so that most of us linguistically challenged can understand

    "I mainly use pig slides because my ham for another purpose. Of course, the benefits and other meats, and all the bits that are surplus with other dia. Basically, it is important that these pieces are not bloody meat. Later, in the section of dry sausages can be spotted because they are bright red. The red meat Darkest of ham and a little lighter than the blades.

    Each piece of meat should be cleaned of these tendons, membranes, vessels and special precautions should be taken to eliminate all fat because these parts are massive mljeckavi and never hardened in the sausage.

    Small pieces remain as they are a large cut into strips that are easier to grind, especially important when grinded manually. I use Shayba with 18 mm holes and I was the best combination. Of course, it is important that the machine well served is exact complex and that the knife and šajba well sharpened.

    Now we're on bacon. The best bacon with the neck and back with the pigs. With this same part part flexible and removable (against the skin) and skin. I I cut into cubes of the size of 15 x 15 x 15 mm (approx.). I did not show it a good grind, because it gets sausages softer. When the bacon mixed with meat, golden tips is a little spill to it with lukewarm water to separate the cubes together. Although I do not find that I spent hours manually separating cube by cube. : Shame: You lard put on me a maximum of 20%, a put option and 30%, but this is too much for me. This year I used only the bacon of the door and ododkativno about 10% of the total amount. If you are lean and have bacon to lubricate. : Laughh:

    There remains a question of taste. Salt 2.8%, pepper, cayenne pepper, chilli, garlic juice, someone puts and sugar. How to tell a good amount? Simply, make a little fenugreek you throw in the frying pan and after cooking try. When grilled hamburger a little too salty and a little too hot sausages you are the best, because somehow lost after drying. If you want even more of course, they should be silent.

    The mixture leave a few days with at least one day of mixing. Butchers say it is useless because the meat is in the intestines. As I said, consist mainly of muscles and after crushing get a new pile of ships that should be removed because the pleasure of nobody eating sausages and dry draw your lines that are entangled between the teeth. Thus, while these abutments expel tiny blood vessels. After each mixing the mixture should be well packed and smoothed as if some concreting, should not remain the holes and after stirring the mixture leveled cover juice, garlic and cotton cloth.

    Caliber is again a matter of taste and speed drying. Always make a few pairs for testing in the fi32mm pig intestines. These are quickly dry and a third to jump so as to be too thin and impractical to use. Many of you carve a slice nikaj not.
    From serious 45mm calibers that can save 700g of meat, 50mm and 55mm goes 900g 1100g. Of course, the weight depends on the mode of meat and the load. These 55mm whether the wild boar meat 1500g.

    All firearms and similar inventions'm and use the grinder as filling device without blades and trees, from a funnel. The reason is the only way to get tvfrdo sausages stuffed without air.
    The charge to go quickly and easily be achieved by three people. A complete meat in the machine, the second hand in one hand and turns it adheres can control wiener the load and the third bond and arrange sausages.

    Selling chain tied to buy a great variety and all are good, but it is better to use a little thicker not to cut its intestines. Before filling, it is necessary to cut a few pieces of a larger amount by the number of cancer. Do not skimp on the length and cut to 40cm, because much easier to tie, calculate that the mass at rest and then it is bind rather awkward. The best is knot constriktor: laughh: but twice wrap, stronger tightening and double ordinary knot is quite sufficient. When this is over, if you are bothered by an excess easily cut with scissors. I am not cutting me because I have to report the product.

    The pipes should be put in hot water immediately before filling or only a few pieces. I put 5 pieces, when the full 5, read a book and admire the resulting product. : Laughh: If you put more pipes too long to be in the"

    Pig slides when going Spanish to English comes out Pork Shoulder.
    Never try to tell me it can't be done
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  10. #16
    matermark's Avatar
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    My girl in Croatia is still busy working the fields, yesterday was blackberries, today is tomatoes! She said she'll translate it tomorrow, she's short-handed and she's the only one there right now picking til dark... that should be around now...

  11. #17
    Supporting Member darkoford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank S View Post

    read a book
    This meaning to drink beer.

  12. #18
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    Thanks darkoford! We've added your Cold Smoker to our Culinary category,
    as well as to your builder page: darkoford's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:

    New plans added on 12/16/2024: Click here for 2,633 plans for homemade tools.

  13. #19
    matermark's Avatar
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    My girl started translating, but she is still busy and translating in sections, little by little... here's some!

    I am starting... I don't know how much I will translate today...I will send translation part by part.
    1. I mostly use pork shoulder (for making sausages) because the pork ham is for another purpose. And of course, I use the rest of the pig meat, or all small pieces of meat that are surplus from other pig parts. Most importantly, don't use bloody meat. The dark red meat is ham and a little lighter red color is pork shoulder meat.

    2. Every piece of meat must be cleaned from tendons and special pay attention must taken to remove all the fatness because these fatty parts are too soft and never harden in the sausages.

    3. The small pieces of pig meat remain as big as they are, the big pieces of meat need to cut into strips to make it easier to mill, especially if it is milled manually. I use a grid for meat with a diameter of 18mm and this proved to be the best combination. Of course it is important that the machine is well groomed, that it is properly assembled and that the knife and the grid are well-knit.

    *************I will try to get more tomorrow, she has her son's birthday Wednesday and has to get up early.... she also said:

    "It is very hard. Some words I do not know how to translate ... Lot of special words. Lot of Croatian words that I know what they mean, but do not know how to translate ... I will continue tomorrow. I need to go to bed, I slept too small last night. I need to wake up early tomorrow morning again."

    So, until we meet again....
    Last edited by matermark; Aug 16, 2017 at 04:33 PM.

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  15. #20
    Supporting Member darkoford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by matermark View Post

    [I][FONT=arial]"It is very hard. Some words I do not know how to translate ... Lot of special words. Lot of Croatian words that I know what they mean, but do not know how to translate
    It should be noted that there is a problem with the translation after certain words. Anatomy of pig parts has nothing to do with the human in our language.

    There is an interesting history of the sausage. Many do not know that once know were filled by animal horn.

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