Many home or small shop based fabricators would like to have a 4' x 8' or larger CNC plasma table, but lack the space for it. Yet, there is no need to deny ones self this fabulous process just because you don't have an ideal location for it.
I solved this problem for myself years ago by building a 2' x 2' table on casters. I simply rolled it outside my garage to use it, and the plasma dust and smoke issue went away too. More recently I put together a similar sized machine the sits under my deck just outside my basement door. The compressor, plasma cutter, and computer are just inside the door 10 feet away. It takes about 5 minutes to hook up the cables and torch for use.
I have found that there are virtually no shapes I want to cut that don't fit within the travel limits of the two axes. Also, there is no need for a torch height control on a machine of this size. I have one, but use a Bugo rack and pinion machine torch holder instead.
The first photo is of my original, and the second of my current machine. I have also includes photos of a few shapes cut with the latter table.