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carloski (Nov 13, 2021)
Mate, I had a thought for you and the rest of Sth Lake Tahoans...Where abouts are you? My family went to Tahoe every summer from about 1950 to 1970, In winter about 67 -74, and i lived there from 79-83. I have a picture of me and dad, having a wash at Incline Beach in 1955 (2 years old...). We stayed at Mulhagens Trailer Park, where the Hyatt is now. Have not been back since 2001...Keep safe...cheers
Jim in Sunny Sth Coast NSW
Most furniture today is full of petrochemicals. A few years back, I burnt a couch for a neighbour instead of her paying big for landfill. It was as if I threw petrol/gas on it. Woof and all gone in about 60 seconds except for the pine frame. Previously to that I burnt an old locally made one of ours that our dogs were allowed on when inside. It took an hour or two to burn. No wonder modern homes basically explode when on fire when furniture, carpets, curtains etc are made of/from petro-chemicals.
Toolmaker51 (Sep 13, 2021)
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