Hi there, after a week of delay the video is finally up! I've made the pulley that drives the spindle's lathe using the same lathe to make the very same pulley, quite a challange! Details in the video. Cheers.
emu roo (Feb 8, 2022), johncg (Feb 8, 2022), lsb (Feb 18, 2022), nova_robotics (Feb 12, 2022)
I add here some details that I missed to enter in the first post: in this video a composite two-stages pulley, a makeshift indexer, and a lathe drill holder jig are showcased. Below some pictures:
(preparing the resin-alu composite)
(makeshift indexer)
(the finished two-stages pulley)
(lathe drill holder jig from a scrapped drill press)
nova_robotics (Feb 11, 2022)
Thanks Claudio HG! We've added your Lathe Drill Holder to our Drilling and Drill Presses category,
as well as to your builder page: Claudio HG's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:
New plans added on 01/17/2025: Click here for 2,706 plans for homemade tools.
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