Casting aluminum ladles.
Casting aluminum ladles - GIF
Ladle making tips - video
Japanese sauce ladle - GIF
Third world spoon manufacturing - video
Spin casting a metal part - GIF
Casting aluminum ladles.
Casting aluminum ladles - GIF
Ladle making tips - video
Japanese sauce ladle - GIF
Third world spoon manufacturing - video
Spin casting a metal part - GIF
New plans added on 01/03/2025: Click here for 2,682 plans for homemade tools.
baja (Jun 15, 2022), mwmkravchenko (Jun 14, 2022), neilbourjaily (Jun 18, 2022), nova_robotics (Jun 14, 2022), odd one (Jun 14, 2022), rlm98253 (Jun 14, 2022), Sleykin (Jun 15, 2022)
nova_robotics (Jun 14, 2022)
mwmkravchenko (Jun 19, 2022)
mwmkravchenko (Jun 19, 2022)
The jury on the benefits and or dangers of aluminum exposure to humans may never be completely resolved. I think there are numerous formulations of aluminum salts and substances containing aluminum recognized by the FDA as being both beneficial and hazardous to humans in various concentrations. Many municipalities use one aluminum salt or another in water treatment Aluminum chloralhydrate for one, has been used in anti perspirants for as long as they have been around some people have been found to be more susceptible than others to the possible toxicity of the substance. On the other side of the coin some societies have used aluminum cooking and eating utensils almost exclusively for over 100 years with little or no known detrimental effects to their health. I think and this is just a personal opinion that the physiology and cultural differences of people around the world has as much to do with the possible toxic effects of all substances is largely due to our genetic make up.
Never try to tell me it can't be done
When I have to paint I use KBS products
mwmkravchenko (Jun 19, 2022)
Coating is definitely a graphite based refractory coating. This is really cool. I have done a lot of aluminum, casting is years past and I am impressed with this. A porous concrete probably a refractory concrete is the exterior of the mold. I will see if I can dig up anything on this idea. Got me thinking! Concrete on it's own made from portland cement ios not something that will last very long. It has a lot of water bound up in it's chemistry. Makes for molds that are quite short lived.
As for melting chips. Unless you have seriously compacted them into some solid form have fun with that. So much surface area for oxide to make your life hard. If you have a press and a way to make hockey pucks you might be able to make it work.
nova_robotics (Jun 19, 2022)
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