Brussels sprout harvesting machine. Hard to believe there are so many different harvesting machines. I believe toolmaking is arguably humanity's oldest industry, because of the evidence we have of ad hoc toolmaking evolving into a basic industry, with assigned tasks and specialized workers for the primitive mass production of chipped rocks.
Maybe agriculture is a close second or third?
Tractor harvesting trees at a tree farm - GIF
Red currant harvester - GIF
Harvesting bananas - GIF
Harvesting ice - GIF
Scythe basket harvesting - GIF and photos
Hay harvesting machine - GIF
Tea leaf harvesting machine - video
Sunflower seed harvesting - GIF
olive/carrot/strawberry harvesting machine GIFs
Pumpkin seed harvester - video
Walnut harvester - GIF
Apple harvesting machine
Raspberry harvesting machine
Blueberry harvester GIF
Beet harvesting machine
Sod harvesting machine GIF