This is cheap to make from scraps: some flat, water pipe, short piece of 1" RHS plus a 1/4" (6.25mm) bolt & short length of heavy gal wire for the handle (when not carrying bricks/pavers).
Much easier than the traditional way of individually stacking from hand & up your arm.
Tools Required= hacksaw or grinder, Metal working (or wood) Vice, stick welder , some bigger Pipe for leverage & PPE.
In three decades since this, my stick welding of Gal hasn't improved but you can get the idea. Practice makes better but I dont do a lot of gal welding with GP rods. Much rather do vertical down on black steel. You can see the red lead rustproofed painted bolt: not available these days. My first bolt hole didn't work and can be seen in a pic: I thought of cutting a slot in the top side of the RHS for the flat to feed through for various thicknesses of bricks but found that unnecessary & would weaken the thin walled RHS: did't want to drop on my leg or foot.
The water pipe was bent in a vice using a bigger dia pipe for leverage=not pretty but effective.
It's not easy doing a selfie (of carrying) with an SLR but you get the idea.