When contracting parks maintenance I had an employee who was stressed beyond belief after his wife asked him for a weekend separation. Then he was told not to return.
The other guys called him "Helicopter man" as they could hear his brushcutter acres away even with muffs. He was so zoned out he didn't realise the amount of string (whippersnipper cord) he had out. THE RESULT was the aluminium clutch would get welded into the steel housing. I had never seen this before. With spares & repair costs mounting (I didn't have oxy to separate the mess) I approached a friend who dabbled in brass casting and had him make a few pairs. All I had to do was file & clean up the brass , drill the 2 pairs of holes & fit them with new springs.
No more asbestos to worry about and my employee friend kept his job.
a pair of clutch plates worn down with no asbestos are shown on left & the raw brass ones on right.
Where there is a will there................