for an friend of mine, i've made an tool to unscrew the detonator of an bomb shell, wich can be very tight from oxidation due to gun powder .
the 'strips' are from an elctrical cabinet, were ik can screw modified M5 inbus screws in .
notice it is made with an axial bearing for better force reduction,
you can unscrew both 2 and 3 pin detonators,
the tool and shell are mounted with an
so before unscrewing i warm the shell on an electrical coocking plate, let it cool, and spray some WD40 and let it impregnate some days
i have made twoo levers on, wich i can lengten with an tube
it works fine, and the screw holes are not (or much less ) damagedn but i was surpriced by the neede force to unschrew
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