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Thread: Bicyclist crashes into pedestrian - GIF

  1. #11
    Supporting Member Hoosiersmoker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by odd one View Post
    Having the right of way does not mean that you are going to win or come out on top. I do not understand how people do not keep their head on a swivel when crossing traffic. The homeless around here have gotten bad about just walking out across a cross walk without the walk signal and not even looking. Almost like they are asking for assisted suicide.
    I didn't say anything about winning or coming out on top. Nor does that change the pedestrian right-of-way rule I stated. The biker is the only one in this equation that doesn't comprehend the pedestrian right-of-way rule. This woman very clearly looked, saw the biker was not paying attention and, in the time she had, tried to avoid being blasted by the complete waste of flesh and blood riding the bike. The idiot riding the bike never looked up. If he had, he'd have had plenty of time to stop or swerve to avoid the collision. He did neither, HE'S the moron. She's the ONLY one that tried to avoid the collision. And are you implying this woman is homeless? What is that based off of? Around here, 95% of people riding bikes are complete and total idiots that never pay attention or follow the very simple rules of the road. "Red light means stop" "Stop at STOP signs" "Ride with traffic" "Use reflectors or lights" "Wear high visibility or reflective clothing". Most bicyclists are entitled idiots. They think they're the only one on the planet.

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  2. #12
    Supporting Member odd one's Avatar
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    She is just as much at fault as the cyclist. She did not even look to her right till she noticed movement. Lack of situational awareness = lack of self-preservation. This applies to so many areas in life. Yes, she had the right of way, but she did not win that encounter or come out on top. Should have been paying attention to the right even though it may appear that everyone is stopped....because you just do not know what may happen. Not stating the cyclist was acting properly either.
    The homeless comment was directed to the actions I see around here. Almost like they are asking for it...or looking for a payday if they survive just stepping out into traffic without looking. Most of the riders here are idiots as well. They want to have all the rights of the road as cars, but do not obey any of the traffic rules.

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  3. #13
    Supporting Member bob_3000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by odd one View Post
    She is just as much at fault as the cyclist.
    A completely ridiculous statement, the poor woman was one step away from being totally safe and on her way, her reaction shows she had her peripheral on and caught the guy coming at roughly the exact same time he **** his pants and yelled out..."hey look out I'm an assho;le on a bike and I own the road!"

    Note how the other a hole cyclist drove right by like it never happened a finally got a conscience fifty yards down the road.

  4. #14

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    "Originally posted by Hoosiersmoker"

    "This woman was not gambling. She was aware, watching and actively tried to avoid being hit by a clueless moron on a bike."

    To be aware and watching just one second before impact is not awareness. A pedestrian is aware and watching when he/she takes his/her first step to cross the street with a watchful and continuous head swivel from left to right and from right to left -seeping the horizon like a radar- to make sure that he/she is not going to be met by any road surprises. The issue here, the Uber, or others are all one issue: To preserve the lives of pedestrians and stop lawyers from parasitizing on their hard-earned money. The Maritime Rules of the Road don't relieve the right-of-way ship from its obligations to take action to avoid a collision if it is clear that the ship which should be keeping out of the way is not taking appropriate action.

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