Bees uncapping a honey bottle .
Bee pulls nail from brick - GIF
Extracting honey from comb to jar - GIF
Octopus unscrewing jar - GIF
Bees uncapping a honey bottle .
Bee pulls nail from brick - GIF
Extracting honey from comb to jar - GIF
Octopus unscrewing jar - GIF
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Andyt (Feb 23, 2020), baja (Feb 23, 2020), carloski (Apr 10, 2021), cmarlow (Feb 22, 2020), jimfols (Feb 22, 2020), Little Rabbit (Feb 26, 2020), MIGuy (Feb 23, 2020), Scotsman Hosie (Feb 27, 2020), Tonyg (Feb 23, 2020), Toolmaker51 (Oct 31, 2020), tuchie (Oct 12, 2024)
Scotsman Hosie (Feb 27, 2020)
That's actually a very sad thing to see as it's likely that the hive died as a result of eating that honey.
There are actually many bee related viruses and diseases in honey. It's strange but the hive that make the honey are generally immune to them but bees from other hives aren't. Unfortunately honey that has been treated for human consumption doesn't always get rid of the microbes that are harmful to bees so if you want to feed bees, stick to sugar water, though in this case I realise it was unintended.
Honey water on the other hand, is the resurve of hummingbirds. Sugar water is the worst thing to give a hummingbird as their metabolism breaks down sugar too fast and it leaves them without enough fuel to find the next source of energy, which often leads to their death.
baja (Feb 23, 2020), bobx (Feb 23, 2020), greyhoundollie (Feb 23, 2020), Scotsman Hosie (Feb 27, 2020), Toolmaker51 (Oct 31, 2020)
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