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Thread: band saw blade protector

  1. #1
    Supporting Member Frank S's Avatar
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    Frank S's Tools

    band saw blade protector

    for lack of a better description.
    when the blade makes the final cut parts often kick sideways and can get caught or pinch the blade om my little band saw
    to solve this first I repaired some years old damage tot eh saw table then added a piece of angle iron drop to the edge where the part gets pulled towards the blade guide
    band saw blade protector-20210408_140006bs.jpg

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  2. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Frank S For This Useful Post:

    asterix (Apr 13, 2021), baja (Apr 13, 2021), bruce.desertrat (Apr 12, 2021), Jon (Apr 16, 2021), mwmkravchenko (Apr 13, 2021), sossol (Apr 12, 2021)

  3. #2
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    Thanks Frank S! We've added your Bandsaw Blade Protector to our Bandsaws category,
    as well as to your builder page: Frank S's Homemade Tools. Your receipt:

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  4. #3
    Supporting Member metric_taper's Avatar
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    metric_taper's Tools
    Frank, where I have troubles is with my Ellis 1600 saw. If it's cutting along good, and it makes a small hop, it strips teeth off the blade, killing that $$$ blade. I either have to control the hydraulic feed ultra slow, as well the spring counter balance, forcing me to baby sit the saw during a cut. I like my cheap 4x6 much better as I can walk mostly away from that (except one time when the blade jammed and smoked the motor, it needs a motor contactor current trip set to the motor FLA, my permanent fix will be putting a 3phase motor on it with a VFD to control SFM of the blade). And my blade welder can make 1/2" blades, as I've never found a single phase 1" blade welder that's affordable for my non production shop (so $56 each).

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to metric_taper For This Useful Post:

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  6. #4
    Supporting Member Frank S's Avatar
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    Frank S's Tools
    Metric_ Taper my little 8x6 wells & sons saw only has the 1/2 x95" blade My wife's larger 3 hp Johnston saw uses a 1" by 133" blade but it is still stowed away in one of my storage trailers the little 1/2" bladed saw does a fine job of cutting straight and square but once the part is cut through there is always a kick to it this is not much of an issue for longer parts as they don't have a tendency to bind up but smaller parts is another matter even with no length gage set, if they are small enough they will be knocked against the blade guide and wedge the small piece of angle iron I bolted to it has stopped that although my next mod will be to modify my length gage so once the length is determined it will swing way so there is no possibility of creating a pocket wedge

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