It's not pretty, but it works great. Best part for me is, it didn't cost anything but my time! But it saved me way more time in cutting the needed angles on other parts. My inspiration is a time saving tip by Joe Pieczynski of Advanced Innovations. After viewing one of his tips and tricks youtube videos, I decided to make one out of some scrap aluminum, that I had laying around. After doing the math and layout for 30 degrees, I drilled a couple of holes for alignment. A few minutes on the mill-drill, and I had an angle plate I could use to cut the angles on the hold down clamps for my small parts clamping block (Homemade Small Parts Clamping Block -
The notches along the angle serve as 'stops' for different length parts. This tool is used the same way parallels are in the mill vise, but orient the part the desired degrees from horizontal; when the reference side is on the ways of the vise.