Hi all
I built this Muzzle brake for my weihrauch hw35 (I suppose is "Beeman" the american name). I built this because here in summer (thanks to the bad municipal management of the sewers) I got my courtyard paved in porphyry full of cockroaches! No poisons have effect, I use them, I win some days of peace and in few days again. Problem is that if you coming too close with broom they escape in mass! If you hit them with a short caliber (like 4,5mm \177" low powered air carbine from distance) at min 3 meter, they keep the position and don't escape. Plus if you wait some minutes, some new cockroaches come to eat the slain, and you can multiply the score. Jokes apart, I can't leave a single cramb that these beasts invade the house!
Made from solid brass, with 2 slot, 3 grains that keep the brake in position.
I'm thinking about to build an ak version, any idea?