Hi All
One of the issues with the saw is the support of the stock being cut. Once cut it falls off and hits the ground. With the coolant tray also being fitted beneath the drop zone, I didn’t want heavy material dropping onto it and damaging the sheet metal tray.
So my solution was to make an adjustable outrigger and incorporate the machine stop. The outrigger in conjunction with a roller stand will prevent longer stock from falling off the saw.
Steel bushes in cast base to strengthen the casting.
Outrigger in place
Two lengths of bar which are interchangeable to increase the length of the outrigger. So I don’t lose it or cut it up for a job, either one when not in use is stored on side of saw with terry clips.
Stop can be folded out of the way when not required.
The stop can be used for short stock and placed the other side of the outrigger for longer stock
Clamp screws.
Thank you for viewing.
The Home Engineer