3D-printed tomato sorter.
Machine for automatically sorting green tomatoes - GIF
3D-printed tomato sorter.
Machine for automatically sorting green tomatoes - GIF
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Sizer, not sorter. In packing fresh produce sorting has to do with grading for blemishes, etc. I know, picky so-and-so. Nevertheless, it's a bit of a throwback to how sizing was done 40+ years ago. I like it. Here the fruit is rolled through progressively larger hole sizes. Tightly controlled sizing is how you end up with a box that looks just like rows of little tin soldiers. Good sizing forgives a lot of sins in grading (sorting).
PJs (Jan 29, 2019)
Sizing is not sorting; related but not same. I know jack about growing vegetables, this customer was specific. Apparently sizing is first, as whether ready to pick. These were to be toted along in the field.
No question; automation easier than these genuine USDA produce gauges. About 67 of them, many cover tomatoes. Sized fractionally starting with inches, increments of 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4; some in 1/32! Who knew? Understandably, in larger sizes a small diameter difference significantly increases volume.
Last edited by Toolmaker51; Mar 14, 2021 at 02:50 PM. Reason: pic inbound!
...we'll learn more by wandering than searching...
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