I agree about chinese stuff, it is almost impossible not to buy it. My comment was not against their stuff but just an acknowledgement that some people are not happy buying from Aliexpress.
For Xmas I was given a chinese tilting table and a chinese rotary table. The tilting table was crap, over 1 mm out of level over the length of the table and there was considerable rock when it was put on a surface plate. The base and top had mismatched radii and most surfaces looked like they had been "machined" on a linisher not a grinder nor mill. The castings were very good though and after machining the whole thing I have a nice table. On the other hand the rotab came with a calibration certificate which I confirmed and was machined to a high standard and had no need of improvement. It is hard to tell in advance what the quality will be on any particular item.
Click image for full size.
Showing the extent of the radii mismatch on the tilting table.
About the master cylinders. It is not difficult to sleeve them down, just a question of finding suitable seals in the diameter required. If you sleeve then it is beneficial to use a ball hone as the final finishing on the bore. Around 2009 I was gainfully employed (an unusual occurrence, because I have mainly been self employed) and I designed an unusual braking system which required custom cylinders. I had these on test for many days with thousands of applications per day. Tests were done with different bore finishes, those that had been done with a ball hone were always better.